What a Career Vitality Mentor Program can do for you;

What a Career Vitality Mentor Program can do for you;

As a female entrepreneur and looking at diversity as a business case,  I have invested quite some effort in supporting more females onto a path to a leadership position. Either in their own company as startup founder or thriving an ambitious career in an SME or...

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In conversation with Marianne Hewlett

In conversation with Marianne Hewlett

Just this past year, Female Ventures has welcomed quite a few new team members in the cities in which we’re currently active – Rotterdam, Delft, Utrecht, Amsterdam and Eindhoven. Just last month, Marianne Hewlett, joined us as City Coordinator. She is a seasoned...

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Team Eindhoven kicking off with new City Coordinator

Team Eindhoven kicking off with new City Coordinator

Female Ventures’ expansion to Eindhoven is completing as the amazing team of volunteers has welcomed their new team lead and City Coordinator, Marianne Hewlett, Senior Vice President of Atos. Marianne is a seasoned marketeer and innovation pioneer at global IT service...

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Collaboration Female Ventures & Female Investments

Collaboration Female Ventures & Female Investments

Starting January, Female Ventures will be collaborating with Female Investments to professionalize and expand its  Female Match  activities for its talented Female Friends. Female Investments is a young recruitment agency for board-level female professionals.  The two...

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