About Us
From January 2021 on Female Ventures continues as a non profit foundation ‘Stichting Female Ventures‘. As a foundation with a newly installed Board we aim to expand from an initiative to a sustainable organisation. Together with all volunteers we continue to support ambitious female founders and professionals and have a mission to bridge the gap in diversity and inclusion.
Our Team
We are a team of 3 cross generational board members representing founders and professionals working in SME’s and Corporates. We plan to grow and professionalize the organisation and expand our ways of funding.
We have a mission to make our offerings welcoming and available to a large community of talented women that want to carefully plan and develop their career.
Want to join our movement and partner with us ?
Then send us an email to dieuwke@femaleventures.nl

Tessa de Flines
Chairwoman, HR, Marketing

Mimi Sur
Secretary, Strategy

Lotte Leufkens
Treasurer, IT

Adda van Zanden

“To see Female Ventures evolving from just an initiative in 2016 to a sustainable organization is a great achievement of all our volunteers. I can’t wait to see us expand our programming, our city chapters, and collaborate with new and international partners.”