Hand-picked for you

by our members 

Aren’t we all striving for growth in our personal lives and careers ? And aim to make impact ? That’s exactly why we see the value of reading, broadening our minds and learning from others. Our Inspiration Book List has been composed by women like you, ambitious and eager to learn. Having tips for our Book List yourself ? Please send us your tip at this address: team@femaleventures.nl

Enjoy !

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Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Lean In – English

Sheryl Sandberg

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Lean In – Nederlands

Sheryl Sandberg

Tip from author Natalie, featured speaker at FV Amsterdam event, Sept 2018

Speak Up Dear!

Farah Nobbe and Natalie Holwerda-Mieras

Tip from Marianne Hewlett – Atos and FV Eindhoven

The 100-Year Life

Lynda Grafton & Andrew Scott

Tip from Natalie Holwerda-Mieras, featured speaker at FV Amsterdam event, Sept 2018

Delusions of Gender

Cordelia Fine

Tip from Ivona, FV Eindhoven

Daring Greatly

Dr. Brené Brown

Tip from Ivona, FV Eindhoven

De Kracht van Kwetsbaarheid

Dr. Brené Brown

Tip from Agnes, FV Delft/The Hague

The Book of Joy

The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Tip from Agnes, FV Delft/The Hague

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman

Tip from Agnes, FV Delft/The Hague

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Mark Manson


Tip from Gemma, FV Delft

Why We Buy

Paco Underhill

Tip from Dieuwke Hoogland, founder of Female Ventures


Nir Eyal

Tip from Dieuwke Hoogland, founder of Female Ventures


Nir Eyal

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Boring to Brilliant

Barbara Rogoski

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers


Michelle Obama

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Mijn Verhaal

Michelle Obama

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Liminal Thinking

Dave Gray

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

The Four Agreements

D.Miguel Ruiz 

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Crucial Conversations – English

Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Crucial Conversations – Nerderlands

Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny

Tip from multiple FV featured speakers

Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps

Jennifer Garvey Berger

Tip Yvonne Greeuw, Entrepreneur In Residence at Holland Startup and FV friend

Running Lean

Ash Maurya

Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office

Lois P. Frankel

Website by Webroots